Bemäktiga Individerna: Om domstolarna, lagen och de individuella rättigheterna i Sverige [”Empowering Individuals: On the Courts, the Law, and Individual Rights in Sweden.”], SOU 1998:103. Stockholm: Fritzes, 1999.
Vetenskapliga artiklar
“Litigation, Social Trust, and Individual Empowerment: Can they Co-exists?” (with Anthony Sebok), in ms. 2008.
“Minority Rights and Local Self-government: Swedish Democratic Governance in the Age of Rights Talk” in Stockholm Studies in Democratic Theory 2, 2006.
Lars Trägårdh and Lars Svedberg, “The Iron Law of Rights: Citizenship and Individual Empowerment in Modern Sweden” in Adalbert Evers och Anne-Marie Guillemard (eds.), Social Policy and Citizenship. The Changing Landscape. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012.
“Introduction” in Lars Trägårdh (editor), After National Democracy: Rights, Law and Power in America and the New Europe, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2004).
“The Juridification of Politics in the United States and Europe: Hostorical Roots, Contemporary Debates and Future Prospects” (with Michael Delli Carpini) in Lars Trägårdh (editor), After National Democracy: Rights, Law and Power in America and the New Europe, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2004).
“Egenmaktens betingelser i Sverige” [“On the Prospects for the Empowerment of the Individual in Sweden”] in Anders Anell and Per Rosén (eds), Valfrihet och jämlikhet i vården. Stockholm: SNS, 1996.
Bemäktiga Individerna: Om domstolarna, lagen och de individuella rättigheterna i Sverige [”Empowering Individuals: On the Courts, the Law, and Individual Rights in Sweden.”], SOU 1998:103. Stockholm: Fritzes, 1999.
Vetenskapliga artiklar
“Litigation, Social Trust, and Individual Empowerment: Can they Co-exists?” (with Anthony Sebok), in ms. 2008.
“Minority Rights and Local Self-government: Swedish Democratic Governance in the Age of Rights Talk” in Stockholm Studies in Democratic Theory 2, 2006.
Lars Trägårdh and Lars Svedberg, “The Iron Law of Rights: Citizenship and Individual Empowerment in Modern Sweden” in Adalbert Evers och Anne-Marie Guillemard (eds.), Social Policy and Citizenship. The Changing Landscape. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012.
“Introduction” in Lars Trägårdh (editor), After National Democracy: Rights, Law and Power in America and the New Europe, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2004).
“The Juridification of Politics in the United States and Europe: Hostorical Roots, Contemporary Debates and Future Prospects” (with Michael Delli Carpini) in Lars Trägårdh (editor), After National Democracy: Rights, Law and Power in America and the New Europe, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2004).
“Egenmaktens betingelser i Sverige” [“On the Prospects for the Empowerment of the Individual in Sweden”] in Anders Anell and Per Rosén (eds), Valfrihet och jämlikhet i vården. Stockholm: SNS, 1996.